Friday, December 01, 2006

Hi friends,

This is Ronnie, signing in from Ambleside, the Lakes District. I am currently working in a hotel here, and I must once again apologise for not blogging lots. In fact, I'm sure no one reads the Kwashikids' blog anymore becasue we are such bad bloggers. But I am sad to say that the end of the Kwashikids has come. Jeannie has returned to Africa, the mother, the land of plenty. And since she has been earning pounds and will now be home once again, she has no more to fear from the terrifying Kwashiorkor. Steve will be joining her in Grahamstown shortly (I think) and will also be safe from the disease. And me, well, I'm doing ok. They feed me here, so the malnutrition is kept at bay.

The problem with me and blogging at the moment is that I only have limited access to the internet, and this is why there has been an aweful lack of posts on this blog. So for now, I am going to decalre myself resigned from this blog, partially because my other kwashis have left me in the lurch (!) and mostly because I am lazy and bad a blogging regularly. I hate to disappoint. Perhaps some day I will invest in my very own laptop, and I will start up my own blog which will be updated every day! Gasp! Can you imagine!?!

Until then, this is the last remaining kwashikid signing out.