Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Hello friends, this is Ronnie, signing in from Poland! I know I have been a terrible blogger, but the island life was not condusive to such an activity. I only have a moment now to say hello, and to give a brief update of my activities.

As you must have gathered, I am no longer on the island paradise in Loch Lomond. My job on the island finished on the 25th of Septemebr, and since then I have been galavanting around Scotland, Northern England and now Poland. I had a brief solo adventure to St. Andrews, Dunnottar Castle and Aberdeen, while I waited for Jeannie to finish her job in Glasgow, then the two of us kwasi kids set off on a whiskey tasting adventure to Inverness and surrounds. We visited the Glen Morangie and Glen Mory Distilleries, and we are now experts on the topic of whiskey distillation! The people at the Glen Morangie Distillery were especially lovely and plied us with quantities of whiskey and Crabbies Green Ginger Wine for FREE! Yay! After having a rather meagre (or perhaps non-existant) breakfast, we came away with warm bellies and rosie cheeks!

After our brief but very informative whiskey tour, we headed down to Northumberland, where we went to visit some of Jeannie's family, the Davys of Warton farm. We had a blissfull stay with lots of exercise, good food, and a night out at the local pub of course! Then it was time for Jeannie and I to part ways again, as I headed off to Poland for a new adventure, which is where you find me now. Or rather, it is me that is finding you?!

I am in the city of Wroclaw, visiting my polish friends who I met while working on the island. The Polish are fond drinkers of vodka, and have made sure that I have had the proper polish experience drinking Real Polish Vodka. And I can say withour a doubt, that the vodka is excellent, but I don't remember much more than that! The city is rather weird, and it kind of reminds me of home, but I think the best description of it would be second worldish. The city centre is beautiful, but otherwise there are many many huge apartment blocks all over the city, that look kind of weird and old and forboding. Not so bad once you're inside, although the lifts are very shady! I can't understand a thing, so it is a unique experience, but I am enjoying it a lot! I think the polish vodka aids the understanding of the polish language, but I'm not a hundred percent sure!

Heading back to the UK tomorrow for further travels in Scotland, with Mark, the evil Australian. Another character from Island times. Unfortunately I can't upload pictures today, but I will try to be more organised. Until next time, adios amigos!