Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jeannie at work - incase you thought that all we did was galabant around in the sunshine...
she's up to nonsense at work as well!

The office stationary craft corner.
I work with some fantastically quirky people. Joanne, Viki and I decided that we should make creatures out of office stationary when we are bored and waiting for the PDFing to take place. Here are the results:
Joanne's pet rock - 'Rocky'
Made with a cylinder of concrete (not strictly office statioanry but found on site so definately work-related), post-its, bin liner, CD label stickers. Colour provided by pencil.

My Spider:
made from ring binders, sellotape, CD label stickers, loo roll, bin liner: colour added with my pen!

Viki's bee:
made from an eraser, post-its, paper clips and an elastic band - colour provided by highlighters and pens.

Here we are on the Isle of Bute: 16th July 2006

Just incase you forgot where we were...

Steve on the Ferry!

Jeannie in a field, on the path - obvious isn't it!

Jeannie: Full bellies and a cycling trip on foot…

Last weekend Steve and I had a merry time. On Friday night we went out for supper at Mother India – a fabulous Indian Restaurant just west of the city centre. We shared a starter of Fish Pakora, Poppadoms and spiced onions and a main of a Lamb and Okra (lady fingers) curry with naan and rice. Lady Fingers are a delightful vegetable, full of flavour! It was a beautiful evening so after our supper we went for a walk in the Kelvingrove Park and took a stroll down the Byres Road where we found a deli café with the creamiest cappuccinos and dark chocolate with roasted hazelnuts.

On Sunday we needed to do something about the rich food in our bellies (we are meant to be kwashikids after all!) so we took a ferry across to Bute with the intention of cycling around the small island. The internet had us fooled into thinking that this was possible, but alas there were no bikes to be found. At this point we discovered the west island way (not to be confused with the five times longer west highland way – something I might be doing part of in a couple of weeks time). Steve and I joined the west-island-way at Rothesay school and went along the ‘path’ (reminiscent of a South African path - not up to EU standards, needless to say we got last a few times!) until we found a convenient place to turn off to go and have a look at the Mount Stuart house. Mount Stuart belongs to the Stuart family, direct descendants of Robert the Bruce. They were British royalty in the Stuart dynasty, related to the Windsors - one of the Marquises (not too sure of the plural) was the first Scottish prime minister… all in all they are very rich! At the time Mount Stuart was completed and the interior was made as it is now they were the richest family in Europe. This place is quite a spectacle! Completely opulent and over the top, but beautiful as well. Just a little too many styles at once for my liking. The grounds are the best though – you will have seen/find pictures in the entry from our first visit to Bute in May.

We wearily made our way back to Rothesay along the farm roads. It really was a beautiful walk and day out. No disappointment about the bikes in the end.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11th July - Jeannie...

It has been an absolute age since I last published a post - sorry! Steve and I have been doing many things - mainly working but having a nice time as well!

Three weeks ago I went down to Northampton to visit some family. It was great to get away from the city and be in a home again. Also, the south is warmer - I know I should know this already but was struck by how mild it was when I got off the train in the middle of the night.

It was largely a sleepless weekend, but incredibly enjoyable! On the Saturday I took Ellie and Matthew to the park. We played football, went to the 'seaside' and made some new friends. Three year olds are very friendly! That afternoon we went walking. It was very beautiful, very English. We all got stung by stinging nettles - I had forgotten just how vicious they are - the boys were valieantly beating them with sticks to punish them for hurting us.

Saturday evening we had a barbeque - now I insist on calling it this because it really isn't the same thing as a South African Braai in many ways:

1. The meat consists of sausages and burgers.
2. It is not done in a big, rusted upside down drum or a hole in the ground - certainly no flames were seen.
3. No one took their shirt of.
4. There was no smelly wood smoke.
5. There was actually next to no smoke at all.
6. No one was drinking Klippies and Coke or castle.
7. There wasn't a Dog trying to steal escapee meat from the fire.
8. No flies.

All this said - it was very nice. We ate outside - my first time in AGES! It was warm - again, a first in AGES!

On Sunday we went out to a beautiful reservoir for a bike ride. Apart from the chariot Matthew was riding in losing a wheel in a very Ben Herr style, it went without complications. It was so beautiful. The English are a very nationalistic lot. They were still in the world cup at this stage. Four out of every five people we passed were wearing some kind of England supporter outfit. Quite a contrast to Scotland - no England supporters what so ever, or if there are any around, I'm sure they are in hiding...

That afternoon was England's match against Ecuador. I watched the first half with the Foxes and then went to catch my train, I did not miss the score though for as England scored the station master announced it over the PA system! People here really do care a lot about football. Got Back to Glasgow very tired, but happy at midnight and went to sleep.

The following weekend was the Glasgow International Jazz Festival. Clare came through to stay with us and went to a gig with Steve. On Friday night I went to my Office barbeque - again sausages and burgers, no smoke, no dogs, no flies...

After the barbeque we went out to a club called 'The Buff Club'. Great fun. Nice soul, funk and jazz music. I have been having such a good time getting to know Viki and Joanne from work. I havn't laughed this much in a age! They are such fun. We laugh, we do gymnastics in secret in the office and we make creatures out of office stationary.

After the night out Clare took Steve and I out for breakfast at Cafe Gandolfi. Delicious! Sunday night I went to a gig with Steve. Chris Botti - very skilled musicians and good show men. Afterwards we went out for supper - very civilised!

Other than that nothing much has happened apart from our office ceiling caving in and a minor flood at work. I'll get some pictures soon.

Jeannie's Trip to visit the Northampton Foxes 25th June 2006
Rich and Matthew in the Chariot
Nick cycling next to the reservoir
Angela, Ellie and Matthew walking in Northants field
Matthew the England Supporter
Jeannie on a Bike...